My college's life started today.
The first day is still okay laaa.
not yet start to study yet.
Teachers only let us know some information or introduction.
But still very very tired.
7 hours in the college. OMG
Quite funny for my 1st day to stay alone.
That night before sleep, I was confusing whether want to switch off the light or not.
But I got some fear. So, after I switched off the light, I ran faster and jumped up onto my bed
Then, fast took up my fon and called to my friend. Afterthat, I called to my mom and she told me to say "amitofo x3" then fast fast sleep. LOL
But now, I ady get used to sleep alone. No afraid anymore ! :)
Tonight, I am going to sleep at my jiujiu's house due to some private reason. Haaa
Good night WORLD !!
*p/s : I know that my english language is so so so weak. OMG! I am trying my best to improve it. I ady get used to speak broken english or ROJAK language so it's some difficult lahh. haizzz
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