Sunday, November 28, 2010

Share my friend d some pictures at here ^^
Tomorrow got exam. Is going to sleep
Good Night
Wish everyone good luck

Saturday, November 27, 2010


你问在我心中 是否还苦恼
那次受伤 否决了爱的好
谢谢你的关照 我一切都好
一个人 不算困扰
爱虽然很美妙 却不能为了寂寞 又陷了泥沼
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
我相信在(这个)世界上 一定会遇到
那次流过的泪 让我学习到
如何祝福 如何转身 不要
在眼泪体会到 与自己拥抱
爱不是一种需要 是一种对照
爱虽然很美妙 却不能为了寂寞 又陷了泥沼
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
我相信在(这个)世界上 一定会遇到
能愿意为了一份爱 付出去多少
当我想清楚的时候 我就算已经准备好
放手去爱 海阔天高

This lyrics so nice =D

Monday, November 22, 2010

Finally, it comes !!
Tomorrow will be the 1st day of SPM
8am-10.15am ---BM paper1
2pm-4.30pm ---BM paper2
My feeling now is NOTHING
I still can update my blog, on facebook, sms and play iphone's game
OMO !! rasa that me really very cham very gaiii
my muii say me is RUBBISH because I said her before, now is my turn
Anyways!! At last wish myself and all f5 students GOOD LUCK
Is time for me to sleep now. Friends, Don't too late slp if not tomoro ur brain pasikat
p/s : many ppl send me different tips but at last I delete all cause it really makes me blur. Somemore, my cheap phone can't save messages and have to delete it when the inbox received 90msg. ==

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oh My God
I'm sick
Exam is coming soon
How how how??
how can this happened on me?
feel suffer right now
Vomit vomit vomit !!
mamy give me some medicine to eat
Is time to rest now
Good night
P/S : Recently many ppl fall sick. Everyone please take care especially for the form5 students that is gonna to take examination. Drinks more water , rest early and don't simply eat anythings.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

SPM 2days left
Good Luck to everyone
Jia You !!

Their Bali Trip

Friday, November 19, 2010

With my babe Fu.